Saturday, May 14, 2011

Education.....a minefield or an adventure

Keeping in mind that our foray into education is somewhat limited still but...this is what we've found so far....

You'll get three types of teachers and it seems to be the same from early childhood on onwards......

The first one simply doesn't believe in gifted children. This type is of the firm belief that they are simply brighter and therefore able to cope pretty much on their own. Very damaging.... the best way to have your child so bored out of their brain...nobody will know they have any ability at all, after a while.

The second believes in them alright - in fact, they are intimidated by them. The most damaging type of all - not only will you have a very bored child, you'll probably have a measure of depression to deal with as well.

The third is the one you want......this one not only believes in them but recognizes that they have as many needs as special needs kids. 

There's only one way to tell the difference. As I said earlier - just cut to the chase and ask them what their thoughts are on gifted children. If they look a little wild eyed and green about the gills...we run a mile - that person will not be a teacher that can cope or meet her needs, as far as we're concerned. 

We found a wonderful lady, by taking this approach who will be Sophia's new entrants teacher when she starts school. She lit up and her answer was that Sophia was obviously exceptionally gifted and that she was going to need as much assistance from the teacher aids as the special needs kids and that there were special programs we should get her into that will meet her needs better. You can't get a better response than that - that's the one you want to hear. 

The truth is, if you're lower income - you're not likely to be able to afford the fancy programs that are available for gifted kids. So you work with what you can. And what you can match the teacher to her needs as best you can and meet the rest from home.

I'll keep you posted on any further developments on this issue!

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